Sunday, April 10, 2005

Accident Prone

No, I'm not talking about that Boldstar song with the catchy melody and the sentimental lyrics. I am actually describing myself.

Early last week, I skinned my nose while trying to get rid of some slippery snot (darn these sharp, uncut nails!). It was so friggin' painful I could hardly hold back my tears--especially when I had to scrub my face and clean my nose. And everytime I'd hit the darn wound, I'd cringe and a tear would surface. Then, as if that wasn't enough punishment for only-God-knows-what (seriously, I swear I've been good the previous weekend), I met an accident on my way to work. An accident that came in the form of a cat. I believe I am special: things not likely to happen always happen to me.

As I was approaching the MRT QUezon Avenue Station, a cat who had gone berserk, and who looked like it was running for dear life (probably it was its last, judging from the panic level), jumped from the roof and landed, of all places (and of all people), on my left foot. As I was wearing open-toe shoes that day, the cat's claw tore through the skin of my toe, ending with a deep puncture wound near the cuticle. Blood oozed. And, as rotten luck would have it, I realized I didn't have any tissue or hanky with me. I was trying not to cry despite the severe pain. Such pain it was, I tell you! I wanted to scream, but didn't want to draw attention to myself. My chest hurt from stifling the sobs. I limped in search of some bandaid and tissue. Good thing there was a sarisari store nearby that was selling tissue; no bandaids, though. And so I proceeded to wipe the blood from my injured toe. Only when I got to the office was I able to clean the wound properly.

The drama queen that I am, I was worried I'd die of tetanus poisoning or rabies or, less worse but still bad, my toe would have to be amputated. Now, my toe's still a bit sore, but it's better. The inflammation has subsided and it has stopped hurting. I just have to be careful and watch where I'm walking so I wouldn't accidentally stub my toe and do further damage to it. I wouldn't be surprised if I wake up one morning and found out that my feet have gone on strike. They've been very abused lately! My poor, distressed, persecuted feet. I really have to seriously look after you.

That was the highlight of my week. I can't really remember what else happened during the week. It went by so fast! Sometimes I think we're living in fast forward mode. I only remember bits and pieces of the events that transpired the past week: like when I played badminton with my officemates and my face got so red from exertion; and when I worked and worked and worked. That's pretty much it. All I have are hazy images as if those things happened in a dream. That's why I should be writing here more often; I'm doubtful of my memory's capability to recount events. Sigh.


Now, let's see if I've been true to my words. Looks like I barely accomplished Promise #2 and almost completely ignored Promise #1. But I did make good on #3. As for the rest of the promises, it's too early to give a verdict. Either that, or I'm just making lousy excuses again. Get a grip, woman! :p Oh well, 'til next.


At 10:04 PM, Blogger Ver said...

Ayos lang yan, it happens to the best of us. I know it's easy to say this pero don't just concentrate on the bad things of everyday life. I'm sure, marami ring blessings dumating, di ba? Count blessings instead of sheep (cats?).

At 9:49 AM, Blogger haiku said...

Thanks for the advice. :) I do try not to dwell on the bad stuff. I guess I was just ranting. :p


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