Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Promises are made to be...

what you make of them. Break them, keep them, shelve them, regret them; it's totally up to you. And because I have the upper hand and the keyboard is my subordinate, I will make promises. Yes, simply because I can.

Promise #1. I promise to pay more attention to my blog and set aside some time for it or get some cure for my laziness in posting.

Promise #2. I promise to update at least once a week even if work and extracurricular activities may take up 90% of my non-sleeping time.

Promise #3. I promise to play badminton next week.

Promise #4. I promise to focus on what I'm writing as I have just dicovered I've typed the html tag for bold this way: <b>stupidly</i>. Of course I made the necessary corrections already so they're displaying properly now. Thanks heaps to opts for teaching me how to <b>display</b> html tags.

Promis #5. I promise to finish The Watchmen in April and set aside more time for reading.

Promis #6. I promise to save up.

Promise #7. I promise to spell promise correctly from this point onward. (Work, brain! Dammit, work!)

Promise #8. I promise not to buy another trade paperback or book unless I've finished reading two books/TPBs from our mini-library.

Promise #9. I promise to watch any of the DVDs gathering dust in our room one weekend in April.

Promise #10. I promise to forget less. If that is feasible at all.

I see I've promised quite a lot of things. Next step, delete this blog entry. Haha, just kidding. I'll just move on to another topic since the preceding promises have been somewhat tedious to make.



I hear Alan Moore's V for Vendetta will be adapted to film. No news yet who will be doing it. Promise my good friend that you'll read V for Vendetta first before watching it. You have a helluva long time to source one and do that. Request originated from Ramon, coursed through Quark. :)

Astonishing X-Men writer Joss Whedon's film/tv projects are Wonder Woman and Serenity (an original sci-fi series).

Transformers, the movie, will be helmed by Spielberg. The script is yet to be written or finished.

That's all I remember right now. Oops, did I just revoke Promise #10? kcuF. This is more difficult than I expected.


At 9:19 PM, Blogger bullish1974 said...

Are you sure about those promises? ;)

At 8:07 PM, Blogger my own wittle woild said...

LISTEN to YOURSELF! Promises are just rules we make up to make our lives more interesting! Will your life become more interesting with all those rules? FREEDOM!!! FREEEDOOOOOM FROM SELF-IMPOSED GOVERNANCE!!!!!! NYAHAHAHA!!!!

At 9:40 PM, Blogger Ver said...

Wow, Spielberg will take on the Transformers. Yehey!

At 5:39 PM, Blogger haiku said...

Mike--Hehe, as of their writing I was plenty sure. Now...

Eggy--Since I made those promises, I can do as I wish with them. Also, self-imposition is a choice. So, if I get tired of those promises, I can revoke them anytime. :p

Ver--Yeah, it is definitely something to look forward to. :)

At 6:43 PM, Blogger ramon said...

i think the transformers is going to be helmed by either michael bay or roland emmerich. :)

At 12:27 PM, Blogger haiku said...

Thanks for that info, r. Hmm... I could hazard a guess on your identity, but I'd rather not, lest I be mistaken. ;)


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