Saturday, September 18, 2004

conjectures of a philosophical nature

Finally, after three days, my computer is back from Hades! The power supply blew up a couple of days ago so my alternate reality in cyberspace was temporarily inaccessible. I suffered mild withdrawal symptoms, but nothing that alcohol couldn't fix. Hehe.

In retrospect, having no computer was a welcome respite. At least I got myself re-acquainted with reading and malling. :p My better-half's been telling me that I needed to get out of the house for my sanity's sake, especially since I have been feeling off-balance. I admit, it is somewhat out-of-character for me to stay cooped up at home for a long period of time. I've always been the kind to grab every chance to go out and party 'til morning, or at least go to the mall (or anywhere for that matter) in the daytime. However, all that changed when I just plain turned cold turkey on gimmicks. Suddenly, the glitz and glamour of the nightlife had lost its appeal. I found myself relishing the comfort of my bed, a good book, a good movie, and home-cooked pasta. Domesticity slowly took over, and it was not a bad thing. :) I have settled down in more ways than one. But, though I appreciate domesticity's coziness, I admit it's not a state I see myself occupying throughout my lifetime. I still crave for things, specifically, those that I will have reason to complain about (i.e., work deadlines). It's weird how we long for the things that we know, once there, we will be agonizing over. I guess such is the paradoxical behavior of humans.

I meant for this entry to be a short one announcing my PC's return from the void. I didn't realize it would end on such a philosophical note. Haha. Just goes to show that anything is possible. If a paragraph can take such a turn, what more life?


At 12:43 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

ayiiiiiii. ang deep. :) hehehehe.

At 1:00 AM, Blogger haiku said...

I had no idea I was going to wax philosophical on that one. :p Next time I'll be tackling issues about existentialism. LOL!

At 10:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i know i know... i'm so late on my comment to this post but i've only just returned to blog world. yup, there is a certain joy to domesticity that cannot compare to being out and about all the time. that joy is also a trap, because it is one of situations that promotes general idleness altogether, which is a bad thing. in the end, it really depends upon how idle you let your own mind become because if the mind is idle everything else is. - swampie


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