Wednesday, September 08, 2004

of stars and superstahs

Currently playing:
U2's All That You Can't Leave Behind album. I absolutely adore this album! I swear, "It's A Beautiful Day" has got to be among the all-time Top Five Best Opening Tracks list (well, on mine at least). It gives you the right boost, especially when you're feeling down and out. And on days when you feel like you're on top of the world, that song just rockets you off to the moon. It's that feel-good! :D Just don't ask me about the other four on my Top Five, I haven't gotten to thinking about them yet. :p


In relation to my previous entry, I found out that most people have been out-of-sorts lately. There is only one explanation for that if it seems to be global (even my twinster in the States is undergoing trying times). And that explanation would probably lie in the heavens. Literally. There must be some kind of planetary movement influencing the emotional tide of people. I am no astronomer, astrologist, nor cosmologist so I can't tell you much about the alignment of planets, or lack thereof. But I strongly feel that this ebb and flow is attributable to celestial activities. Hmmm...a passing comet perhaps? Traces of radiation from a distant supernova imploding into a black hole? Whatever it is, it sure is causing personal restlessness and disquietude among many.


"Superstah!" Hehe.

I've mentioned helping out my friend with her thesis. I agreed to be her talent, the decision of which, upto now, is still puzzling me. :p Anyhoo, we went to Ortigas to shoot some stuff. It's rather unnerving to act in front of strangers when they do not know you're acting. I sensed that they were sort of freaked out by my presence. And it's not a nice feeling, mind you. I saw people whispering, staring, or just plain weirded out. Walking uneasily in the busy streets of Ortigas, stooped and with my hair covering my face, people probably thought I was some crazed person about to jump off one of their gray, unfeeling buildings. If there's one thing I've learned about this thesis shoot, it's that people sure do have the tendency to judge harshly.

The highlight of the day was the talk I had with my friend and the videoke that came afterwards. Such fun! :D For the past week I seem to have bonded with her even more. As well as with another friend, opts. I think this period of storm and stress has made kindred spirits of us three.


At 1:48 AM, Blogger haiku said...

No, that was you dressed in drag. Hahaha! :D

At 2:28 PM, Blogger haiku said...

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At 2:43 PM, Blogger haiku said...

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At 2:44 PM, Blogger haiku said...

So, joon, are you now saying that it's okay for me to put a link to your blog? :D You don't know who opts is?! Some friend you are! Hahaha! I just don't know if these people will appreciate being discussed in another's blog. I wouldn't want to have to ask my subject's permission every time. :p But I'm guessing I wouldn't have any problems talking about you on my blog. Thrilled? Hahaha! :D

At 4:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

but thank you for saying "yes".... did i ever tell you that i've had you in mind ever since i wrote the first draft of the script that my adviser approved.... because i seemed to have sensed that you'd understand me. and thank you for that too. it means alot to me. i don't think i can ever be able to thank you for doing all this for me. but please, please, please.... if there is ever anything i can do for you.... say mo lang ha!!! *hug*


At 6:15 PM, Blogger haiku said...

Really?! Wow, I feel special. Thank YOU for letting me be a part of this milestone. :) We haven't really known each other that long and it's amazing how we bonded in so short a time. Now I know all your dirty little secrets. Haha! :D If there's anything else I can do, you know my fee; and now I charge by the hour. LOL! :D


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