Saturday, September 04, 2004

stuck in a rut

It's 4pm of yet another day. I am out of sorts (still). I was supposed to go out of the house for my friend's thesis shoot. But since the rain has again proved elusive, the shoot was cancelled and postponed for another day. So, we're back to waiting for the rain, which is just what we have been doing the past two days. Rain, rain, fucking come our way! My friend needs to finish her thesis to graduate this sem! Sigh. I wish sometimes Mother Nature will heed such pleas. Why should you always get the opposite?! If you don't want rain, you get the heaviest downpour; if you want rain, you get the sunniest skies. We are mere puppets of the omnipotent forces in the universe! Is this some kind of sick joke?


I miss my twinster. And there is no question that her boyfriend misses her twice as much. We used to tell each other everything! But now, being oceans and time zones apart, we don't talk as much as we used to. Factor in her hectic sched, talk/email is reduced to a trickle. Bummer.


At 4:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heh. My best guy friend and I barely talk these days. We had a Drifting Apart, and only recently started to be able to hold a decent conversation again. I have no idea what happened. Bummer.

At 4:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heh. My best guy friend and I barely talk these days. We had a Drifting Apart, and only recently started to be able to hold a decent conversation again. I have no idea what happened. Bummer.

- opts

At 1:13 PM, Blogger haiku said...

Well, decent conversations are a start. :) See, "Life doesn't always work the way it's supposed to." Guess who told me that? An eBay seller. LOL! :)


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