Sunday, September 26, 2004

awful taste in fashion

Preface: I posted this without editing so it didn't read the way it was supposed to. I've corrected loose sentences and inserted new paragraphs for easier comprehension.

Two nights ago I found myself arguing with two online entities who were also members of a message board I call my second home on the web (this blog being the primary, of course). The reason for the heated debate, as you will later see, will no doubt irk you as much as it did me. It's a sad fact that some people obviously have a twisted perception of the world and its workings. However, instead of rehashing all that was said, I will just post the link to the forum. I don't want to relive the anger that I felt during that time. Nothing ever pissed me off as much as that one. I don't usually get overly emotional online nor involve myself in petty debates; I am just a passive observer when things get nasty. But the posts of these two particular people cannot be ignored. They are the bad cells responsible for the cancer of society.

Note: Be reminded that I am a toy collector, so as a backgrounder, the following shall be taken within the context of "corruption" in the toy world (i.e., hoarders and scalpers of hard-to-find figures, selling of information and acceptance of "reservation fees" by toys sales reps in malls, and such). The bad cells are kinajo* and Dark Child (the meaner of the two, actually).

A sample:

DarkChild said,
I know we all whine about how corrupt this industry is.. but come on, what industry in this country isn't in some way or another?? I'm surprised you guys havent realized this yet. Wake up guys! we live in d Philippines, where its fashionable to be corrupt. What about those poor little newbies? Well, as you know collecting is a hobby, which connotes leisure, which connotes money. Only those who have the money can actually enter this hobby. They'll adjust, they all do. Coz dear, to survive anywhere and everywhere, one HAS to adjust.

Kinajo* said,

I don't wanna tolerate [corruption] either! Ofcourse! But what can we do? should we ask for the management and tell them about it? now i don't wanna ruin jobs and lives just for a toy, no matter what reason it is. These people, of what i could extremely imagine, just try to make ends meet every single day. I know what their doing is wrong and it also pisses me off.

My God. Corruption is that prevalent and ingrained that you can't do anything about it so just swallow it like a bitter pill? J.H.C. How uneducated can you get? Also, wrong is wrong, no matter what angle you look at it. If sales reps engage in illegal sales practices, let them suffer the consequences of their actions. They barely get by? They know the risks their taking. Let's see how they will get by, if at all, when they lose their jobs. I don't mean to sound harsh. It's just that the end does not justify the means. There is no person so poor that he or she couldn't rise above his/her plight. It's just a matter of sheer determination. If one really wants to, he/she can make an honest living and still make ends meet.

To view the entire exchange, click on the link below. Start with DarkChild's post then move on to the next page to view my reply. You don't have to read everything, just scan for my posts (I am haiku). I've quoted lines from their messages for direct reference. What you will see is a very ignorant perception of the world by misguided youths such as those two. Sigh.


At 11:56 PM, Blogger haiku said...

Exactly. Such inanity! I don't think that person can ever redeem herself. It's a she, by the way. As if it matters. :p I'm hoping she gets laid soon so she would have better things to do than preach about her insane philosophies in honest people's message boards. Hmm...on second thought, I don't think I'd want to wish her something that pleasurable. In fact, not getting any would be good punishment for her. I take the wish back! LOL!

At 12:41 PM, Blogger Topsy Kretts said...

I'm sorry haiku, but i have to side with the dark side on this issue. We can't really blame people for their views in life. Also, wishing people ill doesn't help your cause.

My reason for joining the "dark side" is simple, nothing in life is free. We all have to pay in one way or another. Some can afford to pay in cash, while some can only pay in terms of sacrificed values (a.k.a. their so called 'souls'). Dude peace tayo ah, just sharing my thoughts. May the force be with you always...

At 10:15 PM, Blogger haiku said...

Hey, ultraman, no problem. All kinds of comments are welcome here. That's why this is an open blog. Though if someone says something completely defamatory, I would have to delete his/her comment. And if you have more to say about the matter, I think the toy republic message board would be a more appropriate forum. :)

True that there are instances so grave that you can't escape the clutches of corruption. But in instances where you can, why not do your best to do so, right? I'm not sure if you've read the entire exchange in the forum. I know you? ;) Oh, and was that a very mean wish? It's not like I wished a person death or something. Well, maybe for some people they'd rather die than be deprived of sex. Or maybe those people would just as soon die from sex starvation? Hehe, in any case, ultraman, I was just kidding. People who know me can attest to the fact that I'm a harmless individual, whether it concerns thought or action. And, for the record, I am female (unless you know that already and "dude" is just a genderless term in your dictionary). ;)

May the force be with you, too, always. :)

At 2:03 PM, Blogger haiku said...

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