Tuesday, January 04, 2005

happiness rests on a chair

Good news! The dark clouds have lifted and I am now back to my happy self. Hmm...maybe happy is such a strong adjective. After all, I am less than usually happy. Maybe normal is more appropriate. Normal is safe becasue it can be anything. Okay, so I am back to my normal self. I was able to sleep relatively early last night; relatively early means 1:30am. Though before sleep came, I had the weirdest feeling: I felt I was going crazy. I was so disoriented and, even without looking in the mirror, I knew I had crazy eyes. You know how the eyes of crazy poeple look? Their eyes literally and figuratively bore through you. It's like they can see your deepest secrets but at the same time they aren't really seeing you, they're actually seeing past you. And when they're not looking at you, their eyes wander around. I could've sworn last night I had crazy eyes. I felt like my eyes had ADD, they kept looking around the room searching for nothing in particular. Geez, is this a journal of the insane?

Anyhow, I'm glad I've surpassed that craziness, if only for the time being. And, hopefully, my body clock has resumed normalcy and I can once again catch and enjoy the lovely morning sunshine. Have I mentioned that we still have birds where we live? It's pretty soothing to wake up to the sound of birds chirping outside the window. Amazingly, despite the fact that we live in a highly urbanized zone near EDSA, birds aren't extinct in our vicinity.

Moving on to domestic affairs, this afternoon was spent on a quest for the perfect chair for the computer table we bought recently. Personally, I don't like the sight of office swivel chairs inside the bedroom so I requested that we get a more stylish chair; one that would blend in the overall decor of our room and somehow speak of our combined personalities. Call it what you will, but I truly believe that something as trivial as a chair still merits a considerable amount of thought.

Unfortunately, we went home empty-handed. All the chairs we liked were out of stock. Only the display merchandise were left and they weren't selling them for a discount. I would consider buying something I really like even if it's the display item if and only if they would sell it at a discounted price. No way am I paying the full price for something that's been used already, even if it was for display purposes only. So, that being the case, the quest for the perfect chair was reluctantly abandoned. Maybe a trip to a different mall will be more fruitful. I guess that special chair will have to wait. But the cosmos better have the baddest chair in store for me.


At 11:41 AM, Blogger bullish1974 said...

i'm glad you're feeling ok now, haiku :)
about the chair/s: i have that fetish. there are about 4 wooden chairs at home na hindi naman inuupuan. purely home decor lang talaga. i don't want anyone, even my mom, to sit on them! my personal favorite is this black chair made out of pine tree roots from baguio. oh yeah, there's also this huge, one-piece mahogany "bangko" type, also from baguio.

andami kong nasulat :D

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At 12:10 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

"Call it what you will, but I truly believe that something as trivial as a chair still merits a considerable amount of thought."

Oh, I so know what you mean!! Our progress at home is so slow because every purchase takes too much thought. Where are you shopping? I'm looking for chairs too! Actually, I haven't started looking but I have to soon. Those damn chairs can make or break your room's look, for sure! ;)

At 11:20 PM, Blogger haiku said...

bullish -- Can i call you Mike? Anyway, I know exactly what kind of seats you're talking about. I have seen that mahogany "bangko" type. I wanted to have one, too! Kaya lang I could only afford the small chair which I will be posting in my next entry. :)

victor -- We'll see.

candice -- Shopping for the home is addictive! Alas, we're tethered by funds. :p I checked out Play and Display and Dimensione. Those stores are where I saw the chairs we liked. Unfortunately, they're out of stock. :p Kinda expensive rin sa Dimensione. I'd recommend the store for accent pieces only.


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