Tuesday, May 10, 2005

To hell and back

Though I'm not too sure about the latter.

Last night was the hottest I've experienced.

Okay, all pervs raise their right hand! Sorry, but I wasn't pertaining to sex-- though my world would've been a much nicer place had it been otherwise. Anyway, those of you wishing to read an erotic entry, move over to the next blog, for I won't be talking about last night's sexcapade. I'll be talking about historic atmospheric changes called the weather. So, for the boring ones who are willing to stay, by all means, read on. The poster of this message feels so pathetic right now she could use some company. Even imaginary ones.

So, what's so interesting about the weather? Well, for starters, it nearly drove me crazy last night. Our zone had a scheduled blackout due to some maintenance/repairs. And of all friggin' nights to schedule that! Who schedules a blackout in the middle of the effin' hottest summer in the universe? Some of you might say, "But it rained last night!" Well, a lot of good the rain did--it just brought out the steam! I felt like a rebel siomai, cursing my destiny for letting me be placed in a steamer. It was so hot you could actually feel yourself melting! And some of my brain cells did melt last night. For how else could I come up with such a lame analogy as a rebel siomai cursing its destiny?! WTF?!

Anyway, long story short (or endless griping cut short): I wasn't able to get much sleep. Woke up late. Overdosed on Vitamin C. Had a bum stomach because of action previously stated. Almost didn't make it to work without any life-humiliating experience.

That was this morning. Now...

my brain feels like it's been run over by a speeding (and dilapidated PNR) train, the pieces recovered by the police and put inside a ziplock bag, only to be accidentally dropped and ran over again by the next speeding train. Long story short: My brain ran over by two trains--which means twice the mental damage. I am as braindead as a human can get.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Meandering Thoughts

Because someone that goes by the name of Mike, requested that I update this blog, I am now doing so. Okay, friendship, read on and don't puke. This is the lamest entry yet. I just wish I can talk about something interesting. But lately the muse has been in hiding and I'm left with a poor excuse for a brain. So, bear with me just this once.


Our helper's one-year old kid doesn't know how to say her name. But you know what she was able to utter last week?

"Buh-bye, Bailey. Buh-bye."

Who's Bailey? She's our German Shepherd. See, each morning before I step out the of the house I'd say, "Bye, Bailey!" It's been my routine, along with saying "Hi, Bailey!" as soon as I get home. Apparently, the toddler has been hearing me say this everyday, so, naturally, she was able to pick up the expression. The process of learning is an amazing thing. I just wish she'd learn to say her name, too. Her parents ought to talk to her more and try to teach her how to speak.


Watched Kingdom of Heaven last week. It's not boring for an epic movie. I guess Ridley Scott learned a lot from Gladiator. However, between the two, my endearment rests with the latter. Russell Crowe vs. Orlando Bloom? Hell, that's a no-brainer!

And because Kingdom of Heaven was beautifully produced, I liked it. BUT (now that's a big BUT), Orlando Bloom as the lead wasn't really a good idea. There was something missing in his portrayal of the character Balian. Either that, or he just isn't the right actor for the role. Maybe Eric Banna would've done a better job. Then again, he was already in Troy. Whatever, I just wish it hadn't been Orlando Bloom. Sorry Legolas fans.


I promised Naruto gashapon pics in my previous post. However, because our low-tech digicam doesn't have macro settings, I couldn't come up with a good picture. The image turns out blurred, and so the details are lost. As these are gashapons (which are small figures, in case you're not familiar with them), you need to showcase the tiny details. So the pictures will have to wait until we get a better digicam. And with all the spending we've been doing lately, purchasing a new camera won't be happening any time soon. :p


It's very hot outside. And it's too darn cold here in the hubby's office. I've got a runny nose and I'm very sleepy. Still, I promised that I would update my blog. Pardon the bland, anything goes entry. My life, for two weeks now, has been temporarily put on hold. Work has yet to become second nature so I am still trying my best to learn the ropes. Maybe just one more month and I'll be winging it like a pro. Hehe, I wish.

Okay, that's it. I can't type anymore. Not only am I cold and sleepy, now I'm also hungry and starting to have a headache from staring at this frickin' blurry monitor. They should have this replaced! I wonder how they would feel about a request from a complete stranger? The company the hubby works for doesn't even know that I'm using their resources on Sundays. Haha. Okay, this time I'm really stopping. My eyes can't take it anymore. But before I go, let me just say that I hope it's a great week waiting for all of us. God knows we deserve it once in a while.