Sunday, July 24, 2005

Stark Raving Mad

Here it is. Thank you for waiting patiently. As with all stories, the following is meant to entertain. However, I don't really care if it fulfills such purpose. I'm happy just to share it. And I thought since everybody else is doing it, what the heck, might as well jump on the bandwagon and write my own version of the events that transpired that magical and dreamy weekend-and-a-day.


It was the day that I got a glimpse of the demigod in Manila. On second thought, he's far bigger than a demigod; for what do you call one who created the American Gods? But, to bring him closer to the unititiated, I shall refer to the demigod as a man. After all, he seemed to be made of flesh and blood, topped with a healthy, bouncy blob of hair to boot. Just like when God, as Jesus, walked the earth in his human form (uh, except for the bouncy blob of hair; he more or less had wavy, shoulder-length hair, or so the pictures depict). Yeah I think that's more like it.

But, I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me backtrack a day to when I should've met that special man (next to my hubby, of course!) but didn't. That said, I'll move on with the story. about the day (and the days leading to) when I met that very special man (next to my hubby of course!).

Yes, I could've met him sooner had I not gone binge drinking, ergo spending the day after nursing the mother of all hangovers. My impulsiveness and semi-stupidity had allowed that to happen despite the fact that I knew well beforehand that the man was to arrive that particular Saturday.

I knew I didn't have the strength to wade through a throng of people just to catch a glimpse of him. I also knew that my faculties were in a state of utter confusion due to the alcohol that was overstaying in my body. Hence, I spent the day cursing the wretchedness of intoxication while making another futile promise of never touching a bottle of alcohol again.

But, as it's my chronic illness, I digress. The drunkennes is not the main point of this story. The point is, my meeting with the maker of dreams was postponed of my own stupid doing. Still, like I always believed--and hackneyed as it is--things happen for a reason. So, let me tell you this early that waiting is such a bittersweet occupation. And once you've finally reached the conclusion to your wait (with positive results, that is), nothing else compares to the sweetness of that enchanted moment.

And so my brain had the good sense to use the better part of that Saturday preparing for what the hubby and I had forecast to be a grueling Sunday. Food supplies, drinks, digicam batteries, and books were readied. The digital camera was tested (as we've just gotten it back from the repair shop) because we wanted to have proof that we've met and shook hands with the god-turned-man. But what else should happen but that the camera went dead on us?! Despite two changes of fresh-from-the-pack batteries, the camera kept registering a low batt warning. Such friggin' luck! An impulsive decision was then made to purchase a new, and more importantly, reliable, digital camera the next day, while awaiting the arrival of the genius.

From this point onwards, the story gets more interesting and, if I may boldly say, amusing. Unfortunately, I'd have to leave you hanging once again, as other more pressing matters require my immediate attention. Rest assured, though, that I would be writing the sequel to this narrative, writing as truthfully about the events that transpired two weeks ago as if they just happened yesterday. For this kind of experience does not easily get erased from anyone's memory; on the contrary, it remains etched in our souls, and we carry it around to give us inspiration during our darkest hours. Like I said, it is life-changing, magical, and definitely a dream come true.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005


There are so many things that I have been wanting to write about, "wanting" being the operative word. Sigh. The past month has been a Maglev ride! Ugh, that sounded kinda tacky. I'm sorry, I have a predilection for histrionics and the terribly bromidic.

Well, let this entry be an update of sorts. Last week, something magical and life-changing happened, which is what I was supposed to blog about yesterday--or today, for that matter. But, like I told Candice, the process of blogging about it will take longer than usual, so I'll have to wait for some down time at the office before I painstakingly--and lovingly (it's mush week, didn't I tell you?!)--create the post.

This week, I've started my masochistic activities. I'm beginning to show the signs of a potential gymophile. Or whatever you call one who goes to the gym frequently enough to have a permanently aching body. It's fun, though! Especially the treadmill with the calorie counter, as the machine tells you how many calories you've burned while you desperately try to finish your 30 minutes of cardio exercise. If anything, it helps to know that you've burned that feast of a meal you had for lunch.

I still haven't finished Watchmen, I have tons of readings at work, and I have yet to watch at least 3 films that I've missed over the past months. But, first things first:


Hopefully, before the week is over, you get to see the post I promised.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Everybody's doing it...

so I will, too. But not today. Maybe tomorrow. ;)

Just wanted to leave things hanging with an air of mystery. At least this way, I'd be forced to write a follow up to this entry, and, in so doing, resuscitate this lifeless blog. Yes, I may be coming back to the world of writing and dreaming.