the awkward beginning
I have always wanted to start a blog. However, given the procrastinator that I am, the idea never pushed through. Now, having found the perfect reason, I am ready to venture into yet another relative unknown (the first one was marriage). With that, let me tell you more about myself--
What? Oh, you want to know more about what finally prodded my lazy ass to start this blog? Okay, if you must insist. This is more interesting anyway than the lies I was gonna tell you about myself. Here goes...
I have a couple of friends or couple-friends since they're in a relationship, rikrik and tintin (no, they're not imaginary nor are they pets however silly their names may be), who were asking for suggestions for a band name (whether the band is fictitious or not, I have no idea). As I had a couple of brilliant suggestions my dim-witted brain nearly died of thinking up, I created this blog. Blogspot said I had to be a member (and lose my privacy as well) to become privy to and interfere in others' secret lives--a fair enough deal, I guess. I don't know if there was any way I could've circumvented the whole thing and just posted without having had to create an account. As I said, I'm a dim-wit. I'm as knowledgeable about blogging as I am about cold fusion. You see, my netizenship is still pending; I haven't yet acquired the required number of surfing and blogging hours to become a netizen. Oh, and I have yet to build a page I can call home.
Anyway, now that it's here, I might as well put it to good use, such as contributing more junk to the cyber wasteland (after all, there are about a gazillion permutations my keyboard can dish out). Or, spying on other people's business, writing pointless comments on their pages, or maybe, just maybe, coming up with something that will change the world. Now, that's an idea. So, in the future when you feel the world shake on its axis, don't be alarmed. It's just me writing something earth-moving that will change your lives and shift your perspectives. And you can then check it all out here--right on this blog where dreams are made.
P.S. I should probably get a tutorial first. I might end up deleting this whole thing accidentally. Then the whole sorry world will never know the greatness that lies within this home of dreams.
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